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28 Days Devotional - Reimagine (2022)

  • 28 Days
  • 17 Steps


Welcome to our 28 Days of Prayer and Fasting for 2022! We invite you to join us on this journey of spiritual investment, during which I pray that your senses for God will be sharpened and that you would be made more sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. You may recall that in the fall of 2021, I preached a series of sermons called Reimagine. In it, I encouraged you to reimagine yourself, God, and our ministry. After preaching the series, I met with several ministry leaders and began a series of conversations about what a reimagined ministry at Cade necessarily looks like. What are the new needs in our congregation and community? What must we do differently in serving the people of God, reaching the community for Christ, and growing the church? Where are some of the old wineskins that must be refreshed and filled with new wine? The last question about old wineskins and new wine is as much of a personal nature as it is a corporate one. In our lives, we can become so driven by habits, patterns and traditions that we forsake the new opportunities to grow, preferring our old ways. But what if God wants to pour new wine into us? What if God wants to stretch your faith even more; use you in even greater ways; show you more of Himself; and take you on exciting journeys of faith? That may require you to reimagine some things about your life and how you live.


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