Cade History
In 1867, years before its formation, Cade Chapel’s beginning was set in Jackson, Mississippi and intricately tied to the beginning of another church, Mount Helm Baptist Church. In that year, a white businessman named Thomas E. Helm donated land for former slaves to build their first church. This church was erected at the corner of Church and Grayson Streets in 1868. For more than a decade, the new church was the only one for blacks in the city of Jackson. As a result, black Baptists who moved to Jackson from all points in and around Mississippi usually affiliated with the church that had been named Mount Helm Baptist Church.
Such was the case for a group of ex-slaves who had migrated from Grenada and Carroll counties and the other points north of Jackson sometime after the Civil War. Among this number were several families whodecided that they would establish their home sites near each other. They selected a section of Hinds County called “Asylum Hill,” so named because of its closeness to the mental institution. Presently, the site is occupied by the University of Mississippi Medical Center.
Once they settled at Asylum Hill, around 1879, these families traveled a distance of four or five miles (round-trip) by foot to attend worship services at Mount Helm. Inevitably, however, the religious and physical organization of their own community created a new need - the need for the children to be formally educated. To this end, the Asylum Hill residents decided to build a conveniently-located school. The property for the school was donated by Isham Cade, an ex-slave and member of the community, who is believed to have been born in Carroll County, Mississippi. That property was located at Old Canton Road and Duling Street, where the Woodland Hills Shopping Center is presently located.
Although Asylum Hill was a community with adequate houses and its own school, the residents still were not satisfied. They wanted to build a church in their community, particularly because Mount Helm was two miles away, and there was no mode of transportation. It is in this desire for a convenient place to worship that the nucleus for Cade Chapel was formed, and the people of Asylum Hill went forth with their plan for a community church. United around another common goal, these residents made Cade Chapel Missionary Baptist Church a reality during the latter part of 1880. It is recorded in the Historical Record Survey of 1942, as well as in William McCain’s History of Jackson, that this church was built in 1885. However, the oral history of the church indicates that the first church was formally organized under a “Brush Arbor” late in 1880. The land on which the Brush Arbor was located was donated by Isham Cade, the same resident who donated the land for the community school, and it was for him that the new church, Cade Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, was named. (Isham Cade’s legacy extends beyond the name of our church in that members of his family continue to worship with us at Cade.)
Benevolence CommitteeInfo coming soon.
Bereavement MinistryThe Bereavement Ministry is the first respondent ministry that reaches out to families after the death of a loved one to comfort, encourage and to help ease the burden of planning the funeral. It is our goal to walk through the funeral process with the family to assist in designing a service that honors their love one and reflects the doctrine of Cade Chapel. Who should join your ministry? If you are compassionate, patient, caring, willing to support and interact with others, this is your ministry.
Culinary MinistryThe Culinary Ministry serves the culinary needs of Cade Chapel. The goal is to provide wholesome, well balanced meals at repasts, banquets, and support all auxiliaries when food services are needed. Members who enjoy cooking, food prep and serving are encouraged to join.
Deacon BoardThe Deacon Ministry's main purpose is to support and assist the pastor as he ministers to and serves the congregation. We deliver communion to sick and shut-in members, visit sick members in the hospital and at home. We work with the orientation committee to encourage new members to participate in church auxiliaries, assist with baptism, serve communion and conduct devotion. We look forward to continuing to update our deacon membership list, attending our annual deacon retreat and continuing to work with and support the efforts of other church ministries.
Deaconess BoardTo enhance spiritual matters of the church, to help foster love and support the Deacon Ministry as well as other ministries in the church. We assist the mothers with baptism on the second Sundays and with communion on the fourth Sunday of each month. Assist the mothers with the communion table and the deacons with communion delivery to the sick and shut in members. Host the Mother/Daughter Luncheon, Father/Daughter Dance, Educational Retreat, Christmas Social and Angel Gift Tree.
Finance CommitteeInfo coming soon.
Future's MinistryThe Future’s Ministry focuses on the future educational goals that target 11th and 12th graders. The Future's Ministry is responsible for ACT Workshops and preparations, Baccalaureate Sunday, Educational Seminars and Retreats and College Tours.
Girl PowerGirls ages 11-16 SIGN UP HERE Through fun and interactive activities, YOU will learn strategies on how to: “Be Your Best Self” Use your God-given gifts to “Shine Bright” in your daily life Develop and implement goals to “Follow Your Dreams” “Make a Difference” in the lives of others, and Discover a sense of purpose and value to “Change the World” Sponsored by: Cade Chapel Youth Ministry, Woman's Missionary Auxiliary, Circle of Temperance & Circle of Meekness
Health MinistryThe Health Ministry is comprised of Health care professionals within the Cade Family. The ministry is organized to promote health and wellness within the congregation and community. Our goal is to promote and encourage a healthy lifestyle and for each person to gain an understanding of their personal health care needs. All healthcare professionals and students studying in an area healthcare are welcome to join. Cade Chapel Health Ministry is on call and ready to respond to all emergencies during church functions and if call upon, during church travels. We organize an annual Weight loss competition, provide quarterly health screening, organize a Diabetic and Health support group and we are also available to discuss Health issues and make referrals if needed. The Health Ministry supports needy families with food or gift cards, especially during the holidays.
Intake Ministry (New Members)The Intake Ministry prepares new members to fulfill God's plan and purpose as they are placed on an intentional path to Christian Maturity and Service at Cade Chapel M.B. Church. Members who are energetic, welcoming and friendly. Members who are excited to welcome our newest members to Cade.
Laymen MinistryThe Laymen movement of Cade Capel involves reaching young men and helping sustain their lifelong membership in the church. The Laymen movement of Cade Chapel seek to engage men with efforts aimed to fortify men’s faith, improve men’s health, foster Christian fellowship/friendship among men, expand opportunities for men to serve their communities and deepen men’s commitments to God, family, home, and the service of humanity. Current activities: Monthly delivery of food boxes to senior citizens Minor repairs to senior citizens homes in the community Natural disaster assistance Service to Billy Brumfield house Repairs and assistance to church property Repairs and assistance to Camp Pioneer Participate in national, state, and local laymen meeting and activities If interested, simply attend one of our meetings. Meeting Time: 3rd Sunday at 9am Location: Old Fellowship Hall at Cade Chapel Contact James Davis 601-941-7446
Media MinistryThe Media Ministry provides audio visual support during Sunday worship services and special programs. We also provide the live streaming service for worship. If you like technology, this ministry is perfect for you. Our primary tools are Power Point, Easy Worship and Vmix. Don't worry, you don't have to be great at techy things to join. If you have a willing spirit, we can teach you what you need to know!
Mission MinistryCade Chapel’s Mission Ministry strives to engage women of all ages in an effort to grow individually and collectively with a focus on being ALL IN to grow spiritually, while providing needed services to the poor, deprived, disadvantaged, lonely heart, bereaved and supportive of those who are facing health challenges, short term and long term. College aged women and older are welcome to join the Mission Ministry. There are eleven (11) Mission Circles that engage women of all ages. However, the Women of Faith, formerly known as the Junior Matrons, is comprised of women between the ages of 19 – 35.
Mother BoardAppointed by the Pastor, The Mother Board is made up of praying women who impart their wisdom to others. They have a strong belief in serving as role models to the younger generation. They are highly respected women in the family, church and community. Some of the duties of the Mother Board are to help set up the communion table once a month and assume the responsibility for the provision and care of communion supplies, attend and assist with baptism and minister to the sick in the church and the community. The members of Mother Board impart wisdom and prayers. They pray for the salvation of mankind, the Pastor, leaders, members and for the Cade Chapel Ministries.
Music MinistryThe purpose of the Music Ministry is worship God in song; Give glory, honor and praise to God;Lead the congregation in corporate worship; Support the Pastor’s chosen theme for service, and to realize our overall goal to be supportive to all ministries of the church. The music department is comprised of ministry leadership, the audio ministry, musicians, various choirs and ensembles. All are welcome to join the music ministry. If you have experience in sound and audio, the audio ministry is an opportunity to serve. If you are vocally skilled or just love to make a joyful noise, we have 6 choirs for you to join -Angelic Choir, Fellowship Choir, Fresh Wind Choir, Male Chorus, Voices of Love and Children's Choir. All choirs join to form the Combined Choir which provides song service on 5th Sundays, during funerals and special programming. If you play a musical instrument, you are welcome to join the Ensemble. The Audio Ministry provides all sound support for Sunday morning worship and special services. The Music Department supports all services at the church and shares with other churches at the Pastor's request. Each choir also sponsors events and activities. For example, the Fellowship Choir organizes "This is Your Life" to honor a member of Cade Chapel and the Voices of Love sponsor the Annual MLK Mass Choir Celebration.
Nate Ruffin Scholarship BoardThe Nate Ruffin Scholarship Board raises funds through individuals, business, and corporate donations and sponsorship, and annual events. Purpose: assist in funding the education of students who are, or whose parents are members of Cade Chapel Church or residents of the Virden Addition Community, and Jackson Public Schools who meet the scholarship requirements and submit an application on or before the due date. This ministry is great for individuals who are interested in fundraising and can solicit other individuals and corporate sponsors to make financial donations for students’ education. Learn more at http://nateruffin.com
Outreach/Greeters MinistryThe greeter is responsible for greeting every person entering the church and ensuring that visitors are offered assistance as appropriate so that everyone feels the love of Jesus Christ through Cade Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Persons who are joyful, watchful, and willing to be of assistance are encouraged to join. Greet members and guests as they enter the building. Greet visitors at the door and direct them to classes, restrooms, etc. Provide information as needed or requested. Open doors and assist the elderly and disabled.
Program CommitteeThe Program committee plans programs for special occasions (e.g. National Volunteer Month, Mother's Day and Father's Day, Church and Pastor Anniversary Celebrations). The focal project is to organize a celebration for the Pastor and his family that provides a time of fellowship available to the entire church family.
Sunday School DepartmentOur goal is to assist Christian disciples with growth in their understanding and application of God’s word. Each and every person is invited to join Sunday school and participate in this ministry. We perform at services, maintain church facility and grounds, work with youth of the church. This ministry assists with organization of Sunday school activities, participation of events in Christian service and evangelism. Organize Vacation Bible School, the Summer Reading Program and the Walton Elementary School Book Drive. Sunday school classes also participate in community service & outreach. Cade's Sunday School meets in-person at 9:15am. All classes will meet in the Family Life Center in the gym.
Tae Kwon Do MinistryNew VisionTae Kwon Do (NVTKD) is a marital arts sport's ministry that began at Mendenhall Ministries in June 1996 by Sensei Doril Sanders and ministry leaders. In September 2002, NVTKD expanded to Cade Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Our mission at NVTKD is to provide training and learning in a Christian environment that will mentally, physically and spiritually let any student develop to their greatest heights no matter what physical, mental or social-economic background he/she comes from. Two beliefs we promote: 1) All the skills and talent we have should be used to glorify God. 2) The more you are blessed with the more you should give back. Our goals are to teach martial arts self defense techniques that offers a student the ability to build endurance, self discipline, self confidence, self awareness, focus, strength, increase flexibility and other athletic abilities, develop and promote a good attitude, develop sportsmanship, develop speed, and much more.
Transportation MinistryThe transportation ministry provides transportation services for the ministries of the church for scheduled trips and supplies drivers as requested. The ministry also provides training for drives and support staff. The ministry also transports members to worship service. We provide transportation to service for college students (e.g. JSU students), and transport members to conferences and retreats (e.g. Men's Super Conference, National Conferences).
Trustee BoardThe primary goal of the Board of Trustees (BOT) is to take care of financial and administrative affairs of the church. Our ministry focuses on the physical and fiscal assets of the church and related properties. Members are selected by a nominating committee led by the Deacon Board.
Usher BoardUshers - A Doorkeeper who meets and greets people, he or she is God's Public Relations Officer, and represents the church to every visitor, first timer and congregation. He or she keeps the door, meets the needs of the people and welcome them into the presence of the Lord; you only have one opportunity to make a first impression. Members who enjoy and care about people and possess a Servant's heart are encouraged to join. All adults are welcome to join the senior ushers and youth, ages 12-18, are welcome to join the junior ushers.
Junior Youth Ushers MinistryThe objective of the youth usher ministry leaders is to emulate the images of positive peer instructions. It is our job as shareholders in the lives of each usher to not only reflect the will of God but, to foster the spiritual growth and leadership patter that our Lord and Savior did when he selected His disciples. It is now the ministry leader’s responsibility to follow that path when making their selections for the future leaders of this ministry. Who Can Be an Usher Not just anyone can be an usher just as all can’t be the pastor or deacon. In the same way not just, anyone can sing in the choir, work in children’s ministry or lead a small group. The right gifts, passion, and ability make a big difference makes that ministry fit for each special individual. As we recruit new ushers we will always keep spiritual qualities, characteristics and usher responsibilities in mind. It is important that you as usher take notice to the members that stand beside you and make sure you work in coordination with your ministry leader or a service leader rather than practicing “random recruiting.” The Spiritual Qualities of a Junior Usher The fruit of the spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23 is a solid guideline for a good usher. This is not about perfection, but a heartfelt motive and desire to live a life of a spirit-filled believer. When you surrender your life to Jesus, your salvation is not free. It's bought with a very high price and is best described by the death of Christ. You may sometimes ask yourself why God thinks you're worthy of that sacrifice? Despite all of your attempts at perfection, you constantly miss the mark. Surely trading Jesus' excellence for your mediocrity could not have been the best choice. But our Heavenly Father has a very special kind of love towards you. He longs for you to be able to bask in His presence. And, once He finally gets you - You're Marked. Now, the changes don't happen overnight as we would probably desire. They're gradual. You may not notice them over days and weeks. Or even after several months. But, you are God's work in progress - Not your own. As explained, the Fruit of the Spirit are not things that we can scrounge up on our own. But, the more time you spend truly seeking God, the more these signs of your allegiance to Him become evident in every area of your life. Through everything that you do and everything that you say, you begin to look more like Jesus. This is ultimately what being an usher all is about. The path to fostering the qualities of a genuine usher is not something you can walk onto your post and become, but just like training to ride a bike for the first time, over time, you can ride with no hands. Complementary, the below describes what each Spirit of God will do for you. Love – In I Corinthians 13:13 the apostle Paul says that love is the greatest of these things. If you choose to genuinely love the people you serve as an usher, God will bless your actions. Joy – Take God seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously. Lighten up and enjoy the moment. Your spirit will be contagious to others. If you are cold, aloof, and don’t smile (basically you are a grumpy usher) you will discourage others around you. Peace – You can add peace, calm, and order to what might otherwise be an overwhelming and hectic experience. Patience – This is a great quality of a good usher. Most of us are impatient by nature. Many of the people will have waited in line to park, waited in line to drop their kids off, and waited in line for coffee. Their patience will be running thin. You can set a good example with your patience toward them. Kindness – This is the attitude that makes you approachable as an usher. Going the extra mile can make all the difference in the world! Be imaginative. Think of all the ways you could show kindness to someone as they come to worship. Goodness – The inner quality of goodness is a gift that results from the Holy Spirit’s power working within us. This state of being will naturally spill over into our service and bring an intangible but powerful presence into the worship experience. Faithfulness – Faithfulness as a Christian bleeds over into your faithfulness as an usher. Showing up, being responsible and doing your ministry well matters to all of us on the Cade Usher Ministry. It matters to God, and it matters to all those who call Cade Chapel home. Gentleness – A mature usher never throws around his or her authority. The best usher is a humble one who seeks to put others first no matter how much pressure may be present in the moment. Self-Control – It is impossible to control a large crowd even if we cannot control ourselves. In calm moments self-control is easy, it’s under the pressure of hectic moments and last-minute changes that your grace and self-control will shine. WHAT PRODUCES A GOOD USHER A junior usher must be well groomed at all times. He or she must take inventory of self. Make sure he/she uses mouthwash, deodorant, has hair groomed, shoes cleaned and not chewing gum. Junior ushers must be on time, never leave his/her post. Their attitude must be pleasant, talk in a pleasant tone, and they must be pleasant with all members and visitors. An usher must be able to communicate with members and visitors. Kindness in conversation is very important. There is a time to seat all members and visitors. No person should be seating during the call to worship. Since the congregation is standing, this is the best time for seating late comers. No one is seated during the scripture reading, prayer, offertory period, meditation, and sermon. All ushers must receive training before they serve the members and visitors of the church. Training is necessary because you are faced with difficult people, and you must be able to recognize signals. All first aid and equipment must be available, in case of an emergency. All articles that are left behind after service should be placed in the lost and found box. Sometimes ushers are asked to perform other duties. He/she must be willing to perform these duties in a Christian manner. The junior usher needs to be a young man/woman of considerable maturity and Christian graces. He/she should be a person who feels comfortable about the pastor and the church. The usher should be given full authority and responsibility for the church ushering job. Since ushers deal directly with individual churchgoers, it is necessary for them to know many things about their church. Ushers will be asked many questions, which they can answer if they are familiar with the necessary information, such as the church office hours, bus schedules, bathroom locations, Sunday school department and adult classroom. Ushers working between Sunday school and church have little opportunity for conversation with the people. Since large numbers of people are to be seated, the greeting generally must be confined to a nod, a smile, and a few quick words. Allow the hospitality of this church to become incarnate in you. Be understanding with the difficult person. Exercise compassion with all kinds of people. Learn to be efficient, but not at the expense of kindness. Considerable Age of Perspective Junior Ushers range from 11 – 18. Those that are interest should contact the Youth Department Junior Usher Ministry Leaders for details and scheduling dates. Willie Gray, 601-946-7028, wgray01@bellsouth.net Renita Wright, 601-951-8264, Ybwright9@gmail.com
Youth MinistryView the Youth Ministry page here. The youth department encompasses an array of ministries all working for the same common purpose; to give back to the will of God from whom all of our blessing flow. Our purpose is to service this Church through the attributes of our children in music, dance, drama, service and play. Our goal is to develop youth who have a passion for God and a Christian worldview that is lived through a vibrant social witness.