Dr. Horace L. Buckley
Pastor Emeritus
Dr. Horace L. Buckley, Pastor Emeritus, began his ministerial career 43 years ago in 1969 at the Cade Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Jackson, Mississippi. A native Jacksonian and graduate of Lanier High School, Dr. Buckley received his bachelor of science degree from Mississippi Valley State University, furthered his educational career by attending Tuskegee Institute, where he obtained his master of education degree, and earned his Doctor of Divinity Degree (Honoris Causa) from Natchez College in 1973.
Under the leadership of Dr. Buckley, Cade Chapel has made significant accomplishments, including: moving from a two-Sunday per month worship to full-time worship services held twice each Sunday; ministering its First Mortgage Burning Service on July 29, 1973; its Centennial Celebration Service June 29, 1980; the Second Mortgage Burning Service on June 16, 1991; and the groundbreaking ceremony and ultimate construction of the $1.2 million Willie L. Wright, Sr., Center for Family Life, which houses an array of ministries and serves the needs of the Virden Addition community.
Dr. Buckley also was among the first black state legislators elected since Reconstruction and served in the House of Representatives from 1976-1991, representing House District 70. During his tenure he served on the committees for Apportionment and Elections, Education, Judiciary B, Penitentiary, Appropriations, Executive Contingent Funds, and Local and Private Legislation.
Dr. Buckley’s extraordinary and dedicated leadership to Cade Chapel Missionary Baptist Church has been lovingly supported by his faithful wife of 45 years, First Lady Myra Buckley. They are the parents of four children and the grandparents of seven.
Dr. Buckley served Cade Chapel faithfully until his retirement on December 31, 2014.